Project profile

Belgium, France, Germany, Italy
01/04/2021 - 31/03/2024
- Traditional way of achieving parallelism
- Spatial decomposition of data
- Parallel execution within each timesteps
- Successive timesteps executed sequentially
- This limits scalability
- New algorithmic approach: parallel-in-time integration
- (Additionally) parallelise across time dimension
- Requires research and development of new algorithms
- Convergence and validation of results are concerns
- Advance parallel-in-time integration from academic research topic into usable algorithms
- Demonstrate potential for delivering Exascale performance for a range of scientific and industrial applications”
Technical approach
- HPC software development considering
- Load balancing
- Adaptivity
- Inexactness and robustness (communication)
- Algorithm development including
- Optimisation and optimal control
- Uncertainty quantification and data assimilation
- Multiscale propagators
- Molecular dynamics simulations
- Application showcases in
- Medicine, molecular dynamics, electromagnetics, climate/weather
Status / Highlights
- 19 scientific papers submitted, accepted or published
- Time-X scientists have given over 50 presentations
- Four workshops and training events

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