The SEA projects at the SC22

The EuroHPC projects were well represented at SC22 – the leading HPC conference and exhibition, this year held at Dallas. The three SEA projects were hosted in two exhibition booths: the large Jülich Supercomputing Centre presence and a research area booth shared with the ACROSS project.

Three birds-of-a-feather sessions were organised by representatives of the SEA projects, and included participation from other EuroHPC Exascale projects. Each one reached between 30 and 70 participants, and saw very lively discussions on the topics of disaggregate architectures (such as the MSA), next-generation I/O software stacks ready for Exascale, and Malleability.

In addition, the DEEP-SEA project co-organised a symposium on “Quantitative Co-design of Supercomputers”.

More information can be retrieved from the SC22 website.