Since April 2023 Didem Unat has chaired the Cross-Project Collaboration Board (CPCB). The CPCB was created to seed and foster collaborations across European projects, funded through the programme “Extreme scale computing and data driven technologies” of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (JU).
Unat is Associate professor at Koç University, and coordinator of the SparCity project. Her research interest lies in parallel computing, supercomputing, parallel programming model design, performance modeling, system software, multi-core and heterogeneous architectures, and runtime systems.
As head of the CPCB Unats tasks involve organising and chairing board meetings and ensuring that all project partners can actively work together to achieve the common goals set by the EuroHPC JU. Asked about her vision for the role as head of the CPCB, Unat told us that she plans to arrange more joint events with all the participating projects, to increase the number of work streams and to encourage cross-project seminars, workshops and publications. One important milestone was already reached with the execution of the biannual CPCB meeting in Turin, Italy for which Unat and her team were responsible.
Unat takes over the position from Massimo Celino and will hold it for six months, after which time she will be succeeded by another member of the EuroHPC JU projects.